The item Automation system 3

164 Patents Many of the components and products contained in this catalogue are subject to industrial property rights. Any copying of protected products is a violation of these rights and, as such, shall be liable to compensation. Data and illustrations in this catalogue do not discharge the users from the obligation to carry out their own checks to determine whether the industrial property rights of third parties are infringed. Product liability item shall be liable, within the framework of the applicable legal provisions, for the promised characteristics of the products shown in this catalogue. Any claims for liability above and beyond such – in particular relating to products created by third parties using products included in this catalogue – are expressly excluded. Conditions of use The products in the item MB Building Kit System are suitable for use in dry conditions and over the temperature range -20°C to +70°C. item must be consulted where products are to be used for applications outside these limits. Conformity with Directive 2011/65/EU (“RoHS”) item has made a voluntary undertaking to refrain from using hazardous substances as defined in Directive 2011/65/EU in the products it sells, irrespective of their subsequent purpose which, in the majority of cases, does not fall under this Directive. As a result, apart from a few well-founded exceptions, the products listed in this catalogue comply with Directive 2011/65/EU. The products to which these exceptions relate are set out in an up-to-date list that is available to customers on request. Technical modifications and errors reserved. All rights reserved. Use of texts and illustrations or reprints of any kind only permitted with prior written consent from item. This applies in particular to reproduction, translation or use in electronic systems.  and the item claim are a registered trademark of item Industrietechnik GmbH. © item Industrietechnik GmbH 2021 Concept, design and realisation item Industrietechnik GmbH Photographs item Industrietechnik GmbH