Lineární vedení Schneeberger MINIRAIL - EN
9 2 P General MINIRAIL and MINISCALE MINISLIDE Pin connections 10.2.7 Plastic plugs 9.1 Plugs 9.1 Position accuracy 15.3 Positioning signalling 12.1 Preload 7.2.1 / 7.2.5 / 10.2.1 13.3.1 / 13.3.2 / 13.3.6 Preload classes 7.2.1 / 7.2.5 / 10.2.1 Pulsation 7.1.9 Push force 7.2.6 / 8.3 / 11.1 13.3.6 / 14.1 R Rail spacing 15.3.1 Rail lengths 7.2.9 REACH 2.3 Reference mark 10.2.6 Reference surfaces 15 Reference track 10.2.6 Regulations 2.3 Relubrication set 9.3 Repeatability 10.2.1 Replaceability 7.1.1 / 7.2.8 Resolution 10.2.1 Requirements 6 RoHS 2.3 Running accuracy 7.2.3 / 7.2.4 13.3.4 S SC 19.2 SCA 19.2 SCD 19.2 Sealing 9.2 Service life 6.6 / 17 7.2.5 / 8.1 / 15.3.4 Service life calculation 17 Short stroke 6.6 Signal processing 10.2.5 Smoothness 3 7.2.7 Source format 10.2.1 Speeds 6.2 7.2.1 / 10.2.1 13.3.1 / 13.3.2 Special solutions 5 Specifications 7.2 / 10.2 13.3 Supporting surfaces 7.2.2 14.3.3 Surface quality 15.2 Surrounding structure 15 T Technical data 7.2 / 10.2 13.3 Temperatures 6.1 7.2.1 / 10.2.1 13.3.1 / 13.3.2 T Terms of use 6 Tightening torques 16.5 Tracks 7.1.5 13.2.4 Useful Guidelines 2.4 Useful Guidelines
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