Lineární vedení Schneeberger MINIRAIL - EN

13 4 Applications 4 Applications Use of MINISLIDE The precision and speed of flying probe testers are extremely important for the electrical testing of structures measuring just 50 µm or less. The high acceleration in particular must not affect the contact accuracy of the test design. The manufacturer offers different machine configurations for a wide range of products. An extremely wide range of materials and designs, including rigid and flexible PCBs and everything from IC packages to touch panels, can be tested with the latest machine generation. Acceleration: 30 g Working stroke: 1 – 2 mm Total stroke: 10 – 15 mm Reproducibility: 1 – 2 µm at the point of work Lubrication: Maintenance-free after initial lubrication The flying probe test system Test head with modified MINISLIDE MSQ 7 40.32