Lineární vedení Schneeberger MINIRAIL - EN

14 5 Customized Solutions SCHNEEBERGER’s many years of experience in linear motion technology have influenced the concept and design of MINI-X. Due to their outstanding performance para­ meters, MINI-X plays a decisive role in the accuracy of every application. MINI-X are universally applicable. SCHNEEBERGER offers configurations upon request for application-specific requirements, including: • Defined push forces • Application-specific lubrication • Special packaging • Hybrid guideways with ceramic ball bearings • Coatings for dry runs • Customer-specific design • Defined cage reset force • Defined records Examples of customer-specific MINI-X products MINIRAIL with vented holes in carriages and guideways, vacuum-packed for use in cleanrooms. MINISLIDE MSQ finished specifically to the customer’s needs. MINISLIDE MS with ceramic ball bearings, additional holes and positioning pins. Push and cage reset forces are defined and recorded. Installation in SCHNEEBERGER’s cleanroom MINIRAIL modified according to the requirements of the customer MINISLIDE MSQ finished according to the requirements of the customer MINISLIDE MS modified and specified according to the requirements of the customer