Lineární vedení Schneeberger MINIRAIL - EN

19 7 MINIRAIL Product Overview 7.1 MINIRAIL Product Overview 7.1.4 Speed and Acceleration The innovative embedding of ball recirculation in the carriage allows speeds of up to 5 m/s and accelerations of up to 300 m/s 2 . 7.1.5 High Load Capacities The Gothic arc profile of the guideway tracks allows high load capacities. 7.1.6 Simple Installation and Maintenance Whether a carriage is moving along the guideways or being prepared for installa- tion, the ball bearings are always held in place by a retaining wire. This makes for easier handling and is a prerequisite for simple installation and replacement carriages. 7.1.7 Exceptional Robustness Carriages and guideways are made of through-hardened stainless steel. They are therefore superbly suited for use in the most demanding of applications. Enlargement of ball recirculation in the carriages Gothic arc profile of the guideway tracks Retaining wire holding the balls in place Made of corrosion-resistant, through-hardened steel