Řetězy Donghua - produktový katalog 2017

套筒料加工 Continuous rolling of bush material 组装 Chain assembly 链板钢带连续轧制 Continuous rolling of plate strips 滚子冷挤压 Cold extruding of roller 高效模具 High-efficiency tooling 网带炉 Continuous mesh belt furnace 环保型链板材料喷丸处理线 Environmentally friendly shot blasting line for plate material 慢走丝线切割机床 Low speed wire cutting machine 实现了从材料、零件到链条组装的全过程 制造,专业化装备确保高品质产品交付。 We control the whole process of chain manufacture, including material processing, component manufacturing and chain assembly. Specialised equipment guarantees the delivery of high quality products. www.dhchain.com / 09 东华链条集团 DONGHUA CHAIN GROUP