Řetězy Donghua - produktový katalog 2017

541 - 572 F 不锈钢链 STAINLESS STEEL CHAINS 543 - 545 546 - 547 548 - 551 552 - 553 554 - 555 556 - 559 560 561 562 563 564 - 566 567 568 - 569 570 - 571 572 不锈钢短节距滚子链 不锈钢短节距直链板滚子链 不锈钢短节距滚子链附件 不锈钢双节距滚子链 不锈钢双节距输送链附件 不锈钢空心销轴链 不锈钢短节距加长销输送链 不锈钢双节距加长销输送链 不锈钢输送链(M系列) 不锈钢空心销轴输送链(MC系列) 冷饮加工输送链 不锈钢侧弯链 不锈钢推窗防弯链 香肠生产线输送链 不锈钢尖齿链 Stainless steel short pitch roller chains Stainless steel short pitch roller chain with straight side plate Stainless steel short pitch roller chain attachments Stainless steel double pitch roller chains Stainless steel double pitch roller chain attachments Stainless steel hollow pin chains Stainless steel short pitch conveyor chain with extended pins Stainless steel double pitch conveyor chain with extended pins Stainless steel conveyor chains (M series) Stainless steel hollow pin chains (MC series) Conveyor chains for cold drink production Stainless steel side bow roller chains Stainless steel anti-sidebow chains for pushing window Conveyor chains for sausage production Stainless steel sharp top chains 573 - 584 附录 APPENDIX 573 - 575 576 - 580 581 - 584 链条功率选用 润滑选择 链传动维护保养 Selection of chain drive power Selection of lubrication Maintenance for roller chain drive 东华链条集团 DONGHUA CHAIN GROUP 产品目录 Product List Donghua Product Catalogue 2017 www.dhchain.com / 23