Řetězy Donghua - produktový katalog 2017

b 1 T L d 1 d 2 Lc T Lc h 2 P P *套筒链:表中滚子直径d 1 为套筒直径 *Bush chain:d 1 in the table indicates the external diameter of the bush Pin length mm L max mm Lc max ISO/ANSI 链号 ISO/ANSI Chain No. Pitch mm P 节距 Inner plate depth mm h 2 max 内链板高度 mm T max Plate thickness 链板厚度 Pin diameter mm d 2 max 销轴直径 销轴长度 kN/lbf Q min Average tensile strength kN Q 0 平均抗拉强度 Tensile strength 抗拉强度 Weight per meter kg/m q 每米长重 Roller diameter mm d 1 max 滚子直径 Width between inner plates mm b 1 min 内节内宽 53.5 57.6 43.6 36.2 29.2 22.1 18.8 68.2 13.3 75.9 62.2 57.5 46.9 37.7 31.0 23.4 19.9 73.0 14.3 81.6 140H-1 120H-1 100H-1 80H-1 60H-1 50H-1 40H-1 160H-1 * 35H-1 180H-1 15.875 12.700 31.750 25.400 19.050 50.800 44.450 38.100 9.525 57.150 35.70 30.00 24.00 18.00 15.09 12.00 47.80 41.00 9.00 53.60 6.40 5.60 4.80 4.00 3.25 2.42 2.03 7.20 1.50 8.00 7.92 5.94 5.08 3.96 9.53 14.27 12.70 11.10 17.46 3.58 172.4/39182 127.0/28864 88.5/20114 56.7/12886 31.8/7227 22.2/5045 14.1/3205 226.8/51545 7.9/1795 281.0/63863 217.3 160.9 112.4 71.4 42.7 30.2 19.1 285.8 10.8 341.8 8.30 6.60 4.52 3.10 1.87 1.25 0.82 10.30 0.41 14.83 19.05 15.88 11.91 10.16 7.95 28.58 25.40 22.23 5.08 35.71 9.40 7.85 18.90 15.75 12.57 31.55 25.22 25.22 4.77 35.48 86.6 93.5 200H-1 63.500 60.00 9.50 19.85 353.8/80409 444.5 19.16 39.68 37.85 109.6 115.9 240H-1 76.200 72.30 12.70 23.81 510.3/115977 622.5 30.40 47.63 47.35 重载系列滚子链 Heavy duty series roller chains 单排滚子链/套筒链 Simplex roller chains & bush chains www.dhchain.com 10 东华链条集团 DONGHUA CHAIN GROUP