Řetězy Donghua - produktový katalog 2017

■ 工况系数表 Service factor table 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.1 1.0 1.1 1.3 主动机械特性 Driving Mechanism Characteristic ■ 传动部分 ■ Chain drive part ■ 旋耕部分 ■ Ratary tillage chain part 《滚子链传动选择指导》 (GB/T 18150— 2006 / ISO 10823:2004) 标准已经公布。标准 规定考虑链条实际传递功率时,应对主动链轮 所传递的功率(即输入功率)进行修正。 实际传递功率(修正功率)=输入功率×工 况系数×齿数系数 工况系数见下表所列, 齿数系数= (19/Zs) 1.08 (Zs—小链轮齿数) The standard of "Guidelines for the Selection of Roller Chain Drives"(GB/T 18150-2006 / ISO 10823:2004) had been issued. If you try to calculate the actual transmission power of chain, you must consider revising the transmission power of driving sprocket (input power). Actual power(Corrected power)=input power×service factor× teeth factor Service factor is listed in the following table. Teeth factor = (19/Zs) 1.08 (Zs—tooth number of the small sprocket) 世界各国历史悠久的链条工厂都制定有自 己的链传动功率曲线和功率图。 GB/T 18150—2006 / ISO 10823:2004 标准也 建立了特定条件下的功率曲线图,选择链条传 动功率或由传动功率选择链条,前提是已知小 链轮齿数和转速,链条实际传递的功率在功率 曲线图的额定功率范围内,所选择的链条才是 合适的。 现以某型农机传动部分和旋耕部分的传递 功率,验算链条选择是否合理。 The chain factories with long history in the world have their own chain transmission power rating graph and power diagram. We can refer to the GB/T 18150-2006 / ISO 10823:2004 standard selecting the drive power or selecting chain according to the drive power, the condition is that we should know the tooth number of the small sprocket and its speed. Only if the actual power is within the range of rating power of the power rating graph, the selected chain is suitable. Now we use the transmission part in walking tractor and the transmission power in rotary tillage to proof whether the chain selection is correct. Small sprocket speed n s =1351 r/min Tooth number of small sprocket Zs=14 Actual power (Corrected power)=10.944hp=8.16kW From B series horsepower rating graph, you will find selected 08B-2 chain is suitable. Small sprocket speed n s =199 r/min Tooth number of small sprocket Zs=13 Actual power (Corrected power)=9.888hp=7.37kW From A series horsepower rating graph, you will find selected 12A-2 chain is unsuitable. You should choose 16A-1 or 60H-2 heavy duty roller chain instead of 12A-2. 小链轮转速n s =1351转/分 小链轮齿数Zs=14 经修正后的实际传递功率= 10.944马力=8.16千瓦 由B系列滚子链功率曲线得知,选择08B-2 滚子链是合适的。 小链轮转速n s =199转/分 小链轮齿数Zs=13 经修正后的实际传递功率= 9.888马力=7.37千瓦 由A系列滚子链功率曲线得知,选择12A-2 滚子链是不合适的,选型偏小,正确选用应 采用16A-1滚子链或60H-2重载型滚子链。 平稳运转 Smooth Running 严重振动 Severe Vibration 平稳运转 Smooth Running 轻微振动 Slight Vibration 中等振动 Medium Vibration 从动机械特性 Driven Mechanism Characteristic 中等振动 Medium Vibration 链条功率选用 Selection of chain drive power www.dhchain.com 573 东华链条集团 DONGHUA CHAIN GROUP