Řetězy Donghua - produktový katalog 2017

● 东华荷兰 The Netherlands Donghua International B.V. ● 东华法国 France KÖBO Donghua France. ● 东华美国 USA Donghua USA Inc. ● 东华英国 United Kingdom Donghua Limited ● 销售公司 Sales & Distribution company ★ 研发制造销售公司 R&D,Manufacturing, and sales company 东华全球 DONGHUA GLOBAL 东华链条集团是一家具有全球协同研发能 力的跨国制造企业,在全球拥有多家工厂及仓 储销售中心,为国内和国际市场服务。 Donghua chain group is a multinational manufacturing enterprise with collaborative research and development capabilities, Donghua chain group has numerous manufacturing and distribution centres servicing domestic and international markets across the globe. www.dhchain.com 04 / 东华链条集团 DONGHUA CHAIN GROUP