Řetězy Donghua - produktový katalog 2017

■ 链传动的润滑 ■ Lubrication ■ 润滑和有效性 ■ Lubrication and efficiency 运行在链轮上的链条由于销轴处铰链的相 对回转而产生磨损。因此有效的润滑就显得至 关重要,其不仅可以有效降低磨损且能降低功 率损耗和噪音。 Wear is mainly caused by bearing pressure, angle-sliding movements of the pins and rotation of the rollers etc.. Effective lubrica- tion of the chain hinges is utmost important for reducing wear, power loss and noise etc. effectively. 当摩擦副表面变色时表明润滑已失效,在 此之前应进行再次润滑。 具体的润滑失效间隔时间应依据特定的工 况和运行条件进行试验测定。 右图显示了润滑有效性随运行时间的变化 Relubrication shall be done before discoloration of the rub surface which indicates the lubrication failure of the former lubrication.The specific lubrication intervals shall be determined by tests based on specific conditions and running conditions. The right graph shows the efficiency of lubrication decrease with operating time. 曲线1: 干摩擦;链条由于干摩擦引起严重磨损而致使 其短时间内迅速磨损失效 曲线2: 仅有初始润滑;链条因仅有初始润滑,故其磨 损在润滑剂用完迅速增加 曲线3: 人工润滑;链条因人工润滑而频繁产生间歇性 干摩擦,特别是在人工润滑不能符合润滑周期 要求时 曲线4: 不恰当的润滑;链条被使用了不恰当的润滑, 比如劣等、脏的、不合适的粘度或不足的润滑 剂,而引起的链条不均匀摩擦 曲线5: 正确的润滑;可以看出其对链条使用寿命的至 关重要性 Curve 1: Without lubrication. Chain would be worn out and destroyed within a very short time. Curve 2: Optimum initial lubrication only. High wear would occur within a short time after the lubricant has been used up. Curve 3: Manual lubrication. Intermittent dry rub frequently occurs, especially when regular periodical relubrication is not well implemented. Curve 4: Incorrect lubrication. Uneven chain wear results from incorrect lubrication. Curve 5: Correct lubrication. The right lubrication is the utmost important to obtain a optimum service life. 90 92 96 94 98 100 运行时间t Operating time 润滑有效性% Lubrication efficiency % 1 2 3 1 2 4 3 5 链条磨损伸长率% Chain elongation % 运行时间t Operating time 润滑选择 Selection of lubrication www.dhchain.com 577 东华链条集团 DONGHUA CHAIN GROUP