Řetězy Donghua - produktový katalog 2017

■ 润滑方式选择 ■ Selection of lubrication method 常见的润滑方式大约有以下5种: Normally, there are five lubrication methods as below: 1.人工润滑 用刷子或油壶定期在链条松边内外链板间隙 处加油。这种方式可靠性不高,因此仅适用于 非经常工作的链条或低速二级传动中。至少应 每天充分润滑一次(若条件允许,应每隔8小 时注油一次),应尽可能避免产生润滑剂的变 色现象。 1. Manual lubrication This type of lubrication by means of oil can and brush, which adding lubricant into the gap between outer and inner link plate of chain loose side periodically is not very safe and therefore this type lubrication only suitable for those chains with occasional operation or for those secondary drives and low chain speeds. Sufficient lubrication should take place at least once a day (if possible once every 8 running hours). Lubricant colouration should be avoided as far as possible. 3. 油池润滑(亦称油浴润滑) 在一个大小合适的链箱中(使用过的已磨损 伸长的链条不应能撞击到箱边)拥有足够的润 滑油以使链板边至滚子或套筒处能浸入,但浸 入不宜过浅或过深。浸入过浅则润滑不可靠; 浸入过深则油易发热氧化变质且搅油损失大。 3. Oil bath lubrication (submerged lubrication) There is just enough oil in a proper chain box for preventing the worn and elongated chain knocking against the casing wall to allow the chain plates to submerge into the bath up to the rollers or the bushings respectively. But immersion should not be too deep or too shallow .Too shallow immersion lubrication is not reliable. Too deep immersion may cause the oil to heat up and lead to untimely oxidation of the oil. 2. 滴油润滑 用油芯加油器,针阀式注油杯或滴油油杯加 油,这种方式仅适用于低轴压比的传动,应尽 可能避免产生润滑剂的变色现象。 2. Drip lubrication Drip lubrication by means of wick oilers, needle oilers or drip oilers is only suitable for low bearing pressure drives. Lubricant colouration should be avoided as far as possible. 润滑选择 Selection of lubrication www.dhchain.com 579 东华链条集团 DONGHUA CHAIN GROUP