Řetězy Donghua - produktový katalog 2017

4. 油环润滑(亦称飞溅润滑) 链条运行在油面上方。一个能浸入到油中约 12.7mm~25.4mm的甩油盘利用离心力将油 飞溅起来并利用箱体上的集油装置持续不断的 导流到链条上。甩油盘的圆周速度应大于 3m/s,一般不超过12.5m/s,最大不应超过 40m/s。当链条宽度超过127mm时,应在链 轮两侧都装甩油盘。 4. Oil-ring lubrication (splash lubrication) With this type of lubrication, the chain operates above oil level. A disk submerg- ing into the lower oil level, the depth is about 12.7mm-25.4mm, Peripheral velocity between min. 3m/s and max. 40m/s, normally not bigger than 12.5m/s, centrifuges oil against the casing walls from where it continuously runs down onto the chain via drip rails. The disk should be mounted on both sides of sprocket when the chain width above 127mm. 5. 强制润滑(亦称压力润滑) 此润滑方式适用于高速重载型传动。通过油 泵和注油管强制供油润滑并起到循环冷却链条 的效果。喷油嘴应布置在链条与链轮的啮入处 且数目应比链条排数多一个以使其对准每列链 板的间隙处。 5. Force feed lubrication (pressure lubrication) This type of lubrication is suitable for high-speed and heavy-duty type drives. Force feed lubrication is carried out to realize the circulating cooling of chains by means of oil pump and oil feeding pipe .The spray nozzles should be situated near the gearing places of chain and sprocket, and the nozzle number should be one more than the chain strands number to make them aim at the gap of each row link plate. 润滑选择 Selection of lubrication www.dhchain.com 580 东华链条集团 DONGHUA CHAIN GROUP