Řetězy Donghua - produktový katalog 2017

Troubleshooting Instructions It’s very practical to illustrate the conven- tional maintenance of roller chain drive because of its wide application in industry. Better maintenance, less failure. In practice, only following some simple maintenance principals, we can easily save costs and make its service life longer, and then making the operation more efficient. 1 . Each sprocket in the driving system should have good coplanarity and the chain path should always be smooth. 2 . The sagging of chain loose side should be suitable and for the adjustable center distance level and angle drive, the sagging should be 1%~2% of the center distance. For conditions of vertical drive and under vibration load 、 reverse drive and dynamic brake ,the sagging should be smaller. It’s very important to check and adjust the loose side sagging frequently in the chain drive maintenance. 3 . Good lubrication is also very important. Whichever lubrication method you choose, the most important thing is to make the lubricating grease distribute evenly in each chain joint clearance. If not necessary, avoid selecting big viscosity heavy oil or lubricating grease since it will jam the clearances gone to joints friction surface with dust after a period of time. Periodi- cally clean the roller chain and check its lubrication condition frequently. Disassembly the pin and bush, if necessary. If the friction surface is brown or dust color, it may be caused by insufficient lubrication. 4 . Chains and sprockets should be always in good condition. 5 . Frequently check the working surface of sprocket teeth ,adjust or replace it when it’s excessively worn. ■ Maintenance for Roller Chain Drive 1.Realignment of sprockets 2.Make suitable adjustment of chain loose side sagging 3.Improve lubrication conditions 4.Fasten chain box or bearing 5.Replace worn chains or sprockets. 6.Reselect chain type and adopt smaller pitch 7.Add chain teeth number or redesign it 1.Unalignment of sprockets 2.Unsuitable loose side sagging 3.Bad lubrication 4.Chain box or bearing loose 5.Excessive wear of chain or sprocket 6.Wrong selection of chain type and too big pitch 7.Too small number of sprocket teeth 1.Chain is very loose which makes the sagging too big. 2.Excessive wear of chain or sprocket 3.Excessive overloading 1.Unalignment of sprocket 2.Excessive wear of sprocket 1.Unalignment of sprocket 2.With foreign bodies in chain joints 3.Bad lubrication 4.Too big load 5.The corrosion of chain 6.The interferences between plates or attachments 1.Realignment of sprockets 2.Remove the foreign bodies of joints 3.Improve lubrication conditions 4.Reduce the load or adopt suitable chain 5.Choose anticorrosion chain 6.Check the interferences of chain 1.Realignment of sprocket 2.Replace it 1.Make suitable tensioning adjustment 2.Replace the chain or sprocket 3.Select high strength chain to avoid overloading Chain jumps off from sprocket teeth The chain can’t be taken off from the sprocket. Dead link of chain Failure Symptom Possible Causes Actions Very noisy 链传动维护保养 Maintenance for roller chain drive www.dhchain.com 583 东华链条集团 DONGHUA CHAIN GROUP