Řetězy Donghua - produktový katalog 2017

B C A I I S D d 1 d 2 L 东华链条联轴器,是由一段双排链条和一对联轴器链轮组成,通 过链条来联接和拆卸。该类链条联轴器结构紧凑、扭矩传递大、可靠 性强、安全、而且外形美观大方、安装简单、易对中。东华链条联轴 器适合于很多场合的联接使用。 The Donghua Chain coupling is composed of a duplex roller chain and a pair of coupling sprockets. The function of connection and detachment is done by the joint of chain. It has the characteristic of compact and powerful, excellent durability, safe and smart, simple installation and easy alignment. The Donghua Chain coupling is suitable for a wide range of coupling applications. 链条联轴器 型号 Chain coupling No. 链条型号 Chain No. mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm A B L I S C Max Min d 2 d 1 kg kg kgf·m 2 ×10 -3 孔径D Bore Dia 尺寸 Dimension 惯量 重量 重量 罩壳 尺寸 Inertia Casing Approx Weight Approx Weight Dimension 12 16 64.8 29.8 5.2 0.233 0.4 10.2 69 63 25 45 0.3 DH C-3012 DH C-4012 DH C-4014 DH C-4016 DH C-5014 DH C-5016 DH C-5018 DH C-6018 DH C-6020 DH C-6022 DH C-8018 DH C-8020 DH C-8022 DH C-10020 DH C-12018 DH C-12022 06B-2X12 40-2X12 40-2X14 40-2X16 50-2X14 50-2X16 50-2X18 60-2X18 60-2X20 60-2X22 80-2X18 80-2X20 80-2X22 100-2X20 120-2X18 120-2X22 12 22 79.4 36.0 7.4 1.020 0.8 14.4 77 72 35 61 0.3 12 28 79.4 36.0 7.4 1.924 1.1 14.4 84 75 43 69 0.4 14 32 87.4 40.0 7.4 3.285 1.4 14.4 92 75 50 77 0.4 16 35 99.7 45.0 9.7 6.010 2.2 18.1 101 85 53 86 0.5 16 40 99.7 45.0 9.7 9.720 2.7 18.1 111 85 60 96 0.6 16 45 99.7 45.0 9.7 15.420 3.8 18.1 122 85 70 106 0.8 20 56 123.5 56.0 11.5 40.210 6.2 22.8 142 106 85 128 1.2 20 60 123.5 56.0 11.5 62.870 7.8 22.8 158 105 98 140 1.6 20 71 123.5 56.0 11.5 93.450 10.4 22.8 168 117 110 152 1.8 20 80 141.2 63.0 15.2 142.030 12.7 29.3 190 129 110 170 2.5 20 90 145.2 65.0 15.2 204.900 16.0 29.3 210 137 120 186 2.9 20 100 157.2 71.0 15.2 341.170 20.2 29.3 226 137 140 202 3.6 25 110 178.8 80.0 18.8 646.290 33.0 35.8 281 153 160 233 4.6 35 125 202.7 90.0 22.7 1075.710 47.0 45.4 307 181 170 256 6.2 35 140 222.7 100.0 22.7 2454.500 72.0 45.4 357 181 210 304 8.0 www.dhchain.com 67 链条联轴器 Chain couplings 东华链条集团 DONGHUA CHAIN GROUP