Lineární jednotky - EN
12 2D flat gantries are perfect for automation tasks in which a tool travels to various points in a single plane. These two-axis solutions are used to print or inspect surfaces, among other things. Tools such as styluses, sensors and print heads need to be moved with precision, often over large distances, which places stringent requirements on the rigidity and synchronous movement of the linear axes in two dimensions. The benefits of the item Automation System: 1) Long synchronising shafts in the item Automation System ensure 2D flat gantries can have a very wide working area. 2) Sturdy carriages ensure heavy tools can be reliably secured and moved over long stretches. 3) item MotionDesigner ® can be used to design mechanically synchronised Linear Units and thus helps you find the ideal solution fast. 4) Linear Units with timing belts that are fed through the inside of the profile and roller guides that are concealed in the core of the profile feature optimum protection. EX-01177 2D flat gantries – using Linear Units in sync
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