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13 3D gantries carry out demanding positioning tasks in three dimensions. They are used to pick up, move and set down workpieces for stacking, sorting and machining operations. When designing pick-and-place systems, it is important, on the one hand, that the right grippers and tools for the task can be at- tached. On the other hand, the rigidity of the overall construction is crucial. This prevents load-related vibration on the Z axis and thus enhances the gantry’s precision. The benefits of the item Automation System: 1) Thanks to the wide range of basic models, users are sure to find the perfect Linear Unit combination to optimise the speed, accuracy and load-bearing capacity of their 3D application. 2) Compatibility with the MB Building Kit System means the load-bearing frame can be adapted to the space available and the enclosure can be connected to other plants 3) To ensure loads and forces can be optimally distributed, the carriage plates of the Linear Units can be easily enlarged and thereby adapted to tools and workpieces. 4) Many item Linear Units can be extended beyond the profile length to cover a large working area. EX-01176 3D gantries – using three axes to reach any point in a space