Lineární jednotky - EN
14 Cantilever axes - putting the support profile to powerful use Cantilever axes use the support profile of the Linear Unit to exert force on a workpiece or to accurately position a tool. They are ideally suited for production and logistics tasks and also for many material and load tests. As the aluminium profile moves and the carriage remains stationary, this system can be used to select articles moving along a conveyor belt, for example. A cantilever Linear Unit has to accommodate high forces and torques, which the axis itself generates due to its movement and operating forces. The benefits of the item Automation System: 1) Compatibility with the MB Building Kit System means tools and applications can be easily and securely fastened to the support profile. 2) The length of the guide rail can be adapted to suit the task at hand precisely. This is possible thanks to highly robust guides and item racks, which can be implemented in custom lengths. 3) item MotionDesigner ® keeps design and selection processes as simple as they are for conventional Linear Units by factor- ing in the loads associated with the cantilever. 4) item cantilever axes can be designed with lightweight support profiles for excellent dynamics or with heavy-duty profiles and robust racks for particularly high load-bearing capacity. EX-01175
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