Lineární jednotky - EN
16 The combination of two Linear Units KGT 6 60 and one parallel supporting Linear Guide 6 60 enables highly precise and dynam - ic applications – even with a heavy tool or a long cantilever arm. The two spindle axes each offer a stroke length of up to 2600 mm. The powerful ball screw drive accelerates at 15 m/s², thus ensuring that a camera, laser or measuring device can be used with precision at alternating coordinates. The carriages run on robust recirculating ball units. The benefits of the item Automation System: 1) Maximum precision is achieved on the x and y axis by using two Linear Units KGT 6 60 with a ball screw drive that have a repeatability of 0.01 mm. 2) Mechanical spindle supports in the encapsulated housing keep everything running smoothly, even during dynamic accel - eration and braking of the cantilever arm and tool. 3) The Linear Guide that runs in parallel with the Linear Units ensures that a large reach can be achieved with low material usage because load is distributed over two torsion-resistant support profiles. 4) Self-centring fixings and compatibility with the item MB Build - ing Kit System ensure the XY table can be easily integrated into a machine frame. EX-01200 High-precision gantries – precise and dynamic operation
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