Lineární jednotky - EN
L x y z Fz Mz Fx Mx Fy My km/h mm 25 Linear Unit Art. No. Operating load Fx max [N] Fy max [N] Fz max [N] Mx max [Nm] My max [Nm] Mz max [Nm] Support width Lmax when Fy max [mm] Support width Lmax when Fz max [mm] Linear Unit KRF 8 80x40 ZR, left-hand input shaft 0.0.641.21 26 1000 2500 2500 50 140 140 500 1100 Linear Unit KRF 8 80x40 ZR, right- hand input shaft 0.0.648.66 26 1000 2500 2500 50 140 140 500 1100 Linear Unit KRF 8 80x40 ZR, synchro- nous drive 0.0.648.69 27 1000 2500 2500 50 140 140 500 1100 max. 2500 N up to 10 m/s max. 0.1 mm max. 5760 mm ■ ■ Extremely torsion-resistant profile ■ ■ Criss-crossed roller guide for optimum force transfer Overview Linear Units KRF Thanks to its criss-crossed roller guide and high-strength steel tracks, Linear Unit KRF is ideal for demanding applications. Two Linear Units KRF can work in parallel via a synchronous drive, with Linear Unit KRF 8 80x40 ZR, synchronous drive responsible for guidance. As the shaft on the drive side passes straight through, a synchroniser shaft can be connected to it. Synchronising Set KRF 8 80 ZR (0.0.648.58) is used to make this connection. LINEAR UNITS
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