Lineární jednotky - EN
km/h mm L x y z Fz Mz Fx Mx Fy My 28 Linear Unit Art. No. Operating load Fx max [N] Fy max [N] Fz max [N] Mx max [Nm] My max [Nm] Mz max [Nm] Support width Lmax when Fy max [mm] Support width Lmax when Fz max [mm] Linear Unit LRE 5 D6 60x20 ZU 40 R10 0.0.666.89 28 150 400 320 4 6 8 400 1200 max. 320 N up to 5 m/s max. 0.15 mm max. 2828 mm ■ ■ Speedy, compact and versatile ■ ■ Extremely space-saving Linear Unit LRE 5 D6 60x20 ZU 40 R10 The compact Linear Unit with exceptional performance. Thanks to stable roller elements and a fast timing-belt drive, Linear Unit LRE 5 D6 60x20 ZU 40 R10 is ideal for applica- tions with limited installation space where short cycle times are important. Able to carry a payload of up to 32 kg, it can move heavier loads than a slide guide. The application is fastened to the streamlined slide via the system grooves on the carriage plate. LINEAR UNITS
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