Lineární jednotky - EN

45 Linear Units with a ball screw drive The specialist for precision and drive force: A Ball Screw Unit is used when a great deal of power and precise positioning are required. This is made possible by the drive principle: A Ball Screw Unit is based on a precision spindle. The speed and positioning accuracy of the system are largely determined by the lead on the thread. A non-turning drive nut that houses ball bearings is fitted to the spindle. These ball bearings circulate in the thread and ensure that the nut moves along a straight axis as the spindle turns. Because the ball bearings are very slightly larger than the track in which they run, they produce a pre-tensioning effect that eliminates play and supports load-carrying capacity. Using a spindle with a large lead boosts the travel speed that the Ball Screw Unit can achieve. The length of the spindle limits its revolution speed. As a result, a spindle with a large lead is preferable for high driving rates. This design is less prone to uncontrolled carriage movement in vertical applications – due to the transmission ratio of the Ball Screw Unit, the drive only has to provide low braking torque. LINEAR UNITS