Lineární jednotky - EN
L x y z Fz Mz Fx Mx Fy My km/h mm 48 Linear Units LRE 8 D10 80x80 KGT offer the excellent precision of a ball screw drive for applications with a payload of up to 880 N. The 160x160 mm carriage is guided by roller elements with a diameter of D10 that run on hardened steel shafts. Two spindle leads are available. The 5 mm lead translates a low drive torque into a very high operating force. The spindle lead of 20 mm enables a maximum speed of up to 1 m/s combined with a high operating load. ■ ■ Compact carriage with D10 roller elements ■ ■ Payloads up to 880 N ■ ■ Two spindle leads available Overview of Linear Units LRE 8 D10 80x80 KGT Linear Unit Art. No. Operating load Fx max [N] Fy max [N] Fz max [N] Mx max [Nm] My max [Nm] Mz max [Nm] Support width Lmax when Fz max [mm] Support width Lmax when Fy max [mm] Linear Unit LRE 8 D10 80x80 KGT 20x5 0.0.668.12 49 2000 1300 880 39 35 52 2500 2200 Linear Unit LRE 8 D10 80x80 KGT 20x20 0.0.668.10 50 2000 1300 880 39 35 52 2500 2200 max. 880 N up to 1 m/s max. 0.05 mm max. 2687 mm LINEAR UNITS
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