Lineární jednotky - EN
54 Linear Units with a chain drive It holds steady when others have given up. A chain drive is resis- tant to problems caused by soiling, can transfer high forces and is also ideal for vertical movements. The robust chain comes into use when absolute reliability is required, including under tough conditions. Similar to a timing-belt drive, the rotary motion of the motor is transferred to a continuous chain. The drive cannot slip. Linear Units with a chain drive transfer large forces in the direc- tion of travel, but are limited in terms of positioning and travel speed due to their design. However, they exhibit excellent failure load characteristics, which means chain drives are often used to build lifting doors and other vertical applications. Because the force in a chain drive can be converted into move- ment via sprocket wheels positioned anywhere on the Linear Unit, this design is particularly well suited to building conveyor systems with rollers. In fact, there are hardly any alternative solutions in this application scenario. Compared to other Linear Units, those that use steel link chains require slightly more maintenance work. It is also important to ensure the system is adequately lubricated and to check chain tension regularly. LINEAR UNITS
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