Stavebnicový systém MB 9 - EN

8 Other item product lines item also offers specialised product lines that complement the MB Building Kit System. All product lines can easily be combined with components from the MB Building Kit System – and vice-versa. For example, an item work bench can be used in combination with a machine frame made using the MB Building Kit System and a FIFO rack built using the Lean Production Building Kit System. Separate catalogues are available for the various product lines and can be downloaded at or ordered from your system partner. item reviews and extends its product range on a regular basis. You can find all the latest information on new and existing products on our website. Lean Production Building Kit System Optimised for lean production! Aluminium Profile Tube System D30 is a speedy solution for building cost-effective factory equipment such as stable racks, transport trolleys and workstations. Entire logistics solutions with integrated roller conveyors can be constructed on site and continuously adapted and extended. Mechanical automation systems that don’t need complex and costly drives or sensors provide an extra boost for productivity. Thanks to the long- lasting hold of the fasteners, running and maintenance costs are lean, too. Work Bench System The item Work Bench System makes manual production in industrial environ- ments more productive. Everything centres on robust, height-adjustable work benches that can be extended with Uprights, Pivot Arms, picking solutions, conveyor lines and mobile material supply trolleys. The end results are versatile and adaptable solutions for production, assembly and laboratory applications. The item Work Bench System is the first complete system to carry the AGR seal of approval for its end-to-end ergonomics. W H A T M A K E S U S D I F F E R E N T