Stavebnicový systém MB 9 - EN
24 1 -JOF -JOF Materials used in all the following products: Al, anodized 6 12 23 30 ⌀3.3 Profile 6 30x12 light A [cm 2 ] m [kg/m] I x [cm 4 ] I y [cm 4 ] I t [cm 4 ] W x [cm 3 ] W y [cm 3 ] 1.58 0.43 0.25 1.46 0.17 0.39 0.98 natural, cut-off max. 3000 mm 0.0.478.05 natural, 1 pce., length 3000 mm 0.0.451.63 53 60 6 12 ⌀3.3 Profile 6 60x12 light A [cm 2 ] m [kg/m] I x [cm 4 ] I y [cm 4 ] I t [cm 4 ] W x [cm 3 ] W y [cm 3 ] 2.98 0.81 0.53 10.00 0.49 0.83 3.34 natural, cut-off max. 3000 mm 0.0.478.07 natural, 1 pce., length 3000 mm 0.0.451.65 15 30 24 ⌀5 Profile 6 30x24 light A [cm 2 ] m [kg/m] I x [cm 4 ] I y [cm 4 ] I t [cm 4 ] W x [cm 3 ] W y [cm 3 ] 2.82 0.76 1.69 2.27 0.31 1.36 1.51 natural, cut-off max. 6000 mm 0.0.608.88 natural, 1 pce., length 6000 mm 0.0.608.87 60 15 24 ⌀5 Profile 6 60x24 light A [cm 2 ] m [kg/m] I x [cm 4 ] I y [cm 4 ] I t [cm 4 ] W x [cm 3 ] W y [cm 3 ] 4.98 1.34 3.14 17.10 2.74 2.53 5.70 natural, cut-off max. 6000 mm 0.0.608.91 natural, 1 pce., length 6000 mm 0.0.608.90 ⌀5 53 60 6 12 ⌀3.3 Profile X 6 60x12 -JOF A [cm 2 ] m [kg/m] I x [cm 4 ] I y [cm 4 ] I t [cm 4 ] W x [cm 3 ] W y [cm 3 ] 4.82 1.30 0.71 15.56 0.81 1.11 5.18 natural, cut-off max. 3000 mm 0.0.609.32 natural, 1 pce., length 3000 mm 0.0.609.20 Profiles 6 – flat cross-sections ■ ■ Low installation height ■ ■ For fastening lightweight components P R O F I L E S A N D A C C E S S O R I E S
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