Stavebnicový systém MB 9 - EN
25 1 Fastening Set 6 30x30-45° 107 30 30 30 ⌀5 Profile 6 30x30-45° light Al, anodized A [cm 2 ] m [kg/m] I x [cm 4 ] I y [cm 4 ] I t [cm 4 ] W x [cm 3 ] W y [cm 3 ] 3.12 0.84 2.21 2.21 0.61 1.33 1.33 natural, cut-off max. 3000 mm 0.0.434.72 natural, 1 pce., length 3000 mm 0.0.451.08 Profiles 6 – 45° Angle ■ ■ Create stylish designs ■ ■ For hoods, tables and display cases item supplies Fastening Set 6 30x30-45° specifically for use with these 45° profiles. It combines two or three profiles to form an attractive right-angled corner unit. P R O F I L E S A N D A C C E S S O R I E S
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