Stavebnicový systém MB 9 - EN

44 1 Materials used in all the following products: Al, anodized 6 6 28 40 28 40 16 ⌀4.3 Profile 8 W40x40 E A [cm 2 ] m [kg/m] I x [cm 4 ] I y [cm 4 ] I t [cm 4 ] W x [cm 3 ] W y [cm 3 ] 4.09 1.10 4.82 4.82 0.70 1.95 1.95 natural, cut-off max. 3000 mm natural, 1 pce., length 3000 mm 0.0.453.40 6 6 68 80 16 ⌀4.3 68 80 Profile 8 W80x80 E A [cm 2 ] m [kg/m] I x [cm 4 ] I y [cm 4 ] I t [cm 4 ] W x [cm 3 ] W y [cm 3 ] 8.60 2.32 48.52 48.52 2.85 8.92 8.92 natural, cut-off max. 3000 mm natural, 1 pce., length 3000 mm 0.0.453.41 80 40 40 80 Profile 8 W80x80x40 light A [cm 2 ] m [kg/m] I x [cm 4 ] I y [cm 4 ] I t [cm 4 ] W x [cm 3 ] W y [cm 3 ] 17.77 4.79 95.32 95.32 30.35 20.54 20.54 natural, cut-off max. 6000 mm 0.0.458.92 natural, 1 pce., length 6000 mm 0.0.454.02 Profiles 8 W ■ ■ Angled profiles with grooves ■ ■ For use as panel fixing strips ■ ■ For supporting shelves The inside corner of the an- gled profiles is provided with an undercut. Attachments with sharp edges can there- fore be screwed flush with the surface on both sides. P R O F I L E S A N D A C C E S S O R I E S