Stavebnicový systém MB 9 - EN

45 1 Materials used in all the following products: Al, anodized Profile 8 D40 A [cm 2 ] m [kg/m] I x [cm 4 ] I y [cm 4 ] I t [cm 4 ] W x [cm 3 ] W y [cm 3 ] 5.45 1.47 5.63 5.63 0.94 2.88 2.88 natural, cut-off max. 6000 mm 0.0.493.36 natural, 1 pce., length 6000 mm 0.0.493.37 Profile 8 D40 1N Profile features easy-to-open groove(s) A [cm 2 ] m [kg/m] I x [cm 4 ] I y [cm 4 ] I t [cm 4 ] W x [cm 3 ] W y [cm 3 ] 5.51 1.48 5.87 5.63 2.02 3.00 2.80 natural, cut-off max. 6000 mm 0.0.493.39 natural, 1 pce., length 6000 mm 0.0.493.40 Profile 8 D40 2N90 Profile features easy-to-open groove(s) A [cm 2 ] m [kg/m] I x [cm 4 ] I y [cm 4 ] I t [cm 4 ] W x [cm 3 ] W y [cm 3 ] 5.58 1.50 5.88 5.88 3.39 2.90 2.90 natural, cut-off max. 6000 mm 0.0.489.40 natural, 1 pce., length 6000 mm 0.0.489.39 Edge-free elegance ■ ■ Profiles with a cylindrical cross-section ■ ■ Can be combined with square profiles ■ ■ Available with open or closed grooves ■ ■ Closed grooves can be subsequently opened up Profiles 8 D40 Cylindrical and angular profiles from the MB Building Kit System can be combined to suit the task at hand. This compat- ibility is made possible by Adapter 8 D40. The connections meet the same standards in stability and reliability that design engineers have come to expect from all item products. The cylindrical cross-section, which is 40 mm in diameter, is the main feature of Profiles 8 D40. Their four Line 8 grooves are arranged at 90° angles to each other and can be either open or closed, as required. Cylindrical profiles are ideal for use in hand rails, tables, shelves and ancillary factory equip- ment such as signage. P R O F I L E S A N D A C C E S S O R I E S