Stavebnicový systém MB 9 - EN

6 Numerous local service centres throughout Germany provide users with a broad range of services: ƒ ƒ User support in resolving specific needs ƒ ƒ CAD-assisted project engineering, tendering and the design of installations and equipment ƒ ƒ Rapid delivery of all system elements ƒ ƒ Elements machined ready for assembly ƒ ƒ Provision of construction kits ƒ ƒ Turnkey solutions comprising system elements ƒ ƒ CAD software support for your project management ƒ ƒ Provision of catalogues and technical documentation ƒ ƒ Internal and external training courses Service portfolio and distribution in Germany W H A T M A K E S U S D I F F E R E N T