XMS – the item machine cabins 2
123 The following equations apply for calculating deflection f: Example load 1 f = F x l 3 _________ 3 x E x x 10 4 Example load 2 f = F x l 3 __________ 48 x E x x 10 4 Example load 3 f = F x l 3 ___________ 192 x E x x 10 4 The following equations are to be used for calculating the deflection caused by the dead weight: As example load 1 f = F x l 3 _________ 8 x E x x 10 4 As example load 2 f = 5 x F x l 3 ___________ 384 x E x x 10 4 As example load 3 f = F x l 3 ___________ 384 x E x x 10 4 F = Load in N l = Free profile length in mm = Moment of inertia in cm 4 E = Modulus of elasticity in N/mm 2 E AI = 70,000 N/mm 2 Check of the bending stress σ = M b ________ W x 10 3 σ = Bending stress in N/mm 2 M b = Max. bending moment in Nmm W = Resistance moment in cm 3 Rp 0,2 Al = 195 N/mm 2 The calculated bending stress σ must be compared with the permissible bending stress σ perm . σ perm = Rp 0.2 ______ S The safety factor S must be selected depending on the required application conditions. An approximate calculation of the deflection is possible with the help of the nomogram shown on the right. The example shown is worked through in the direction of the arrow to determine the deflection. Example: Given: F = 1,000 N l = 500 mm y = 5,14 cm 4 (Profile 5 40x20, upright) Find: f = Deflection in mm Results: Example load 1 f = 11.6 mm Example load 2 f = 0.72 mm Example load 3 f = 0.18 mm The bending values that are either calculated or determined using graphs must be added to the deflection caused by the dead weight of the profiles. For an approximate calculation of the deflection caused by the dead weight, the dead weight is entered as F in the nomogram and the resulting values should be halved. Construction profiles: Determination of the Profile Deflection Note: Calculate the deflection in a profile easily online: A profile deflection calculator that takes into account all three load scenarios is available online at item24.com . TECHNICAL DATA
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