XMS – the item machine cabins 2

1 3 2 4 6 5 1 2 3 129 Depending on the type of product concerned, an article name can incorporate up to six different properties. If the product can be clearly identified based on fewer proper- ties, individual parts are omitted to simplify and shorten the article name. Nomenclature Profile | X | 8 | 80x40 2N | Al | K15 XMS Main part or group designation Type Products that can be allocated directly to a specific Line or products that feature properties associated with a specific Line are given an appropriate identifier here. In the case of profiles, an “X” here indicates that the edge radius of the profile is just 1 mm, unlike Line 8 profiles from the MB Building Kit System, which have an edge radius of 4 mm. Groove size The groove size is indicated on products that either feature a groove themselves or can only be used in combination with specific grooves. TECHNICAL DATA