XMS – the item machine cabins 2
15 Perfect for multi-stage or long working processes: Linear applications link numerous steps together to form one continu- ous process. To ensure the requirements of any process can be met as effectively as possible, Line XMS allows users to build machine cabins in a virtually unlimited width. The benefits of Line XMS: 1) To ensure working sections are efficiently separated, access points can be integrated at different sides. Double doors without inconvenient centre posts provide easy access. 2) Supply lines and data cables often need to be laid in a specific arrangement along the entire length of the cabin to help coordinate different work stages. The integrated cable conduits that run through both vertical and horizontal Line XMS profiles allow users to do just that. 3) The R 90° profiles in Line XMS satisfy exacting design requirements thanks to their rounded outer geometry, which offers an alternative to right-angled edges. 4) Special panel elements such as polycarbonate, which can be used as impact-proof glazing, increase safety standards. A wide selection of materials offer a great deal of freedom for designing panels. EX-01142 EX-01143 EX-01144
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