Transport layers

Polyurethane toothed belts can be provided on the back with transport layers with different characteristics that allow use of these belts in a wide range of transport applications.

The choice of a suitable type of transport layer is based mainly on the characteristics of the object to be transported and the necessary adhesion. High friction transport layers provide a good grip effect, low friction layers reduce the power requirement of the power unit, soft layers are suitable for transport of fragile objects while the hard layers are suitable for conveying sharp-edged objects.

The coating or toothed side of the belt can be mechanically machined with regard to specific requirements of transport applications. For example to improve the overall flexibility of the belt the transport layer may be produced with cross cutting.

Design of PU toothed belts with transport layer

Polyuretanové ozubené řemeny – Konstrukce transportní vrstvyPolyuretanové ozubené řemeny – Aplikace transportní vrstvy


Temperature influences
When transporting hot objects (above 70 °C) it is necessary to ensure the shortest possible contact with the belt so that its central part is not heated above 70 °C. In the short term the transport layer belt may be exposed to higher temperatures if sufficient cooling is ensured. At temperatures above 60 °C there may be a slight reduction in the load capacity of the belt teeth. Additional safety when designing a belt taking into account this temperature influence is only selected in case of higher load. At low ambient temperatures the flexibility of the transport layer and the flexibility of the toothed belt are reduced, so pulleys of larger diameters are needed. The minimum pulley diameter data is determined for an ambient temperature of 20 °C and a peripheral speed of up to 1 m/s assuming a low load on the transported object. For use on pulleys with less than the recommended minimum diameters please consult our specialists

Mechanical machining

To improve functionality, the belts can be mechanically modified.

Higher back side can be used for such purposes allowing wide range of design alternatives, such kind belts have lower flexibility, so pulleys of larger diameters are needed. Flexibility of these belts can be improved by cross cutting or grooving. 

Updated: 6. 6. 2019

Kateřina Světlíková

Technical consultant

Kateřina Světlíková

Technical consultant