Mechanical machining

To improve functionality, the belts can be mechanically modified.

Higher back side can be used for such purposes allowing wide range of design alternatives, such kind belts have lower flexibility, so pulleys of larger diameters are needed. Flexibility of these belts can be improved by cross cutting or grooving. 

Transverse milling of back

Příčné frézování hřbetuTransverse milling is used for secure positioning of transported objects. At the same time the grooves in the transverse direction on the belt back provide better flexibility.

Longitudinal milling of the back

Podélné frézování hřbetuLongitudinally milled grooves are used to guide the belt or to position it in transport of circular objects.

Back grinding

Broušení hřbetuBack grinding is performed to increase its roughness or to achieve a non-standard or more accurate belt thickness. To avoid disruption of the belt cords, the X dimension must not be exceeded during grinding. Timing belts with FLEXible length are standardly supplied with grinded back surface as a result of the manufacturing technology used.

Sides grinding

Broušení stran

Belt side grinding is used to achieve narrower width tolerances. Such modifications are used, for example, in applications where the belt is laterally guided.


Tooth removal

Odstranění zubů

For double-sided belts it is possible to remove individual teeth or their entire groups. Thanks to the high precision of the teeth the modified belts are then suitable for applications requiring high positioning accuracy.


Longitudinal milling of teeth

Podélné frézování ozubeníLongitudinal milling of the teeth are used, for example, to secure the belt guide.

Belt punching

Děrování řemenůPolyurethane timing belts with longitudinally milled teeth can be further perforated. Such belts are often used in vacuum transport technology as suction belts. Typically such belts are used to convey sheet materials from fine sheets to metal sheets.

Updated: 4. 6. 2019

Kateřina Světlíková

Technical consultant

Kateřina Světlíková

Technical consultant