Overview catalog

Customers A. Pöttinger, spol. s r.o. Family supranational company dealing with development, production and sale of agricultural machinery, specialist for fodder-press, soil cultivation and seeding machines. Liberty Ostrava a.s. It belongs to Liberty Steel Group, the world’s largest steel and mining group. It focuses primarily on the production and processing of pid iron, steel and metallur- gical secondary production. CIMBRIA HMD, s. r. o. It has been one of the worldwide leading companies in the filed of industrial pro- cessing, manipulation and grain, seed, fodder, foodstuffs storage and other loose products. Kia Slovakia s. r. o. It is the oldest car manufacturer in Korea. They also have production plant in Slovakia since 2006. They make more than 600 thousand of new cars per year. Magna Exteriors (Bohemia) s.r.o. They are engaged in production of plastic parts, mainly they focus on parts for au- tomotive industry. Due to long experience they have become specialists and coope- rate with the biggest producers. Blumenbecker Prag s.r.o. Company Blumenbecker Prag s.r.o. is en- gaged in automatization of machines and production facilities. Huisman Konstrukce, s.r.o. Huisman company is a private worldwide company with a large experience in de- sign and production of heavy technology for leading worldwide companies working both on the mainland and on the sea. Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Czech s.r.o. It is one of the most modern car facto- ries in Europe. The company produces its vehicles in their first production plant in Europe since 2009. About 350 thousand cars is produced in Nošovice per year. ABB s.r.o. Worldwide leading company working in the field of energetics, industry and infrastructure.