Kloubová oka Fluro

105 FLURO ® -Gelenklager GmbH 10 20 15 20 12 24 18 24 14 26 20 26 16 30 23 30 18 32 25 32 20 36 28 36 22 38 30 38 24 42 33 42 26 44 35 44 28 48 38 48 32 54 43 54 38 62 50 62 42 66 54 66 48 74 61 74 52 78 65 78 62 90 76 90 1,5 2,0 1,0 1,5 1,5 2,0 3,0 4,0 D -0,25 T -0,05 M ±0,125 h +0,4/+0,1 t ±0,2 D1 +0,12 Size d +0,25 Cylindrical bearings Series Thrust washer BK1 coated with a PTFE/fibre mixture/blend Materials: Disc: - low-carbon steel lined with a PTFE/fibre mixture/blend - bronze lined with a PTFE/fibre mixture/blend - stainless steel lined with a PTFE/fibre mixture/blend